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Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords di Island Time Wellness

30,00 €

Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords di Island Time Wellness

30,00 €


Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords

Autore: Island Time Wellness
Editore: Island Time Wellness
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: MAGIA
ID titolo:92893898

"Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords" è in vendita da sabato 24 giugno 2023 alle 22:35 in provincia di Catania

Note su "Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords":
This love-centered oracle card deck tackles real-world issues and hurdles. From happiness and self-love in the single life to forging a strong, stable marriage founded on trust, these cards cover readings for the entire spectrum of human relationships

♥️ ACTIONABLE INSIGHT - No beating around the bush with these readings! Our love oracle cards tell it like it is, leaving no room for questions to help you come up with answers to your love problems.

♥️ TACKLES REAL ISSUES - All readings are rooted in reality. Our cards talk about real-world heart issues like fear of intimacy, healing, and cover relationships like Soulmate and Twin Flame.

♥️ HIGHLY INTUITIVE CARDS - Our oracle cards come with keywords to make interpretation fun and simple. Whether you’re a beginner or professional oracle, our cards can be read loud and clear!
♥️ FUNCTIONAL DESIGN - Unlike other love cards that come with interpretation booklets, ours come with meanings ready to read at the back of each card. No more breaking the flow of a good reading!
♥️ PORTABLE & LIGHTWEIGHT - These love oracle cards are poker sized (2.5 x 3.5). Ideal for travel and impromptu on-the-go readings for friends and family.

What’s the difference between the decks?

Deck one was made to really point out giant red flags in relationships so that the querent could be aware of what was going on in a relationship. Also, of course, there’s lots of fun/positive dating and relationship cards too. Deck two has people/significator cards and ‘others’ cards also (to signify other people around the querent/their relationships) and even more dating scenarios. Deck two is kind of a piggy-back off of deck one. Deck three was geared to be more toward singles looking for a relationship- and lots of healing cards to help you get there❤️.
They are all perfectly balanced with what people might referred to as positive,negative and neutral cards. Also, they were meant to be used together. There are no repeating cards and the backs are the same for that reason.

Our cards are cute and practical—making them the perfect birthday or Christmas gift to your favorite psychic, medium, and tarot card reader.

Not convinced yet? Here are other benefits the cards have in store for you:

♥️ Stylish and edgy colors, images, and typeface

♥️ Printed on quality, durable card stock

♥️ Can be used alone or as clarifier cards for tarot decks

♥️ Highly defined, crisp prints

Trying to untangle the path to deeper relationships with family, friends, and lovers?

Oracle cards can be amazing guides when the advice of those around us rings hollow. But not all decks can provide true direction. Some are vague, or hard to parse. Some are not rooted in real-world problems at all and therefore are hard to relate to.

When looking for answers, the last thing you need is ambiguous readings that provide useless advice or worse, leave you more confused than when you started.

Zero in on real problems. Island Time Wellness’ Love Oracle Cards provide clear readings to lead you out of confusion.

Demystify the affairs of your heart. Add the Island Time Wellness Love Oracle Cards to your cart TODAY


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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "Love Oracle Cards. Tarot Decks Clarification and Complement Readings. A 54-Card Deck With Keywords"  di Island Time Wellness
in provincia di Catania

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Tempo medio di risposta del venditore: entro 5 ore  (calcolato su 74 compravendite)

Informazioni sul venditore:
Contattare: Bella
Via Diana, 137, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)

Condizioni di vendita


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Ricarica PostePay
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Piego di libro raccomandato 5,00 € (fino a 3 libri)

Spese di spedizione:
Piego di libri ordinario 0-2 Kg: 2,00 €
Piego di libri raccomandato 0-2 Kg: 5,00 €
Piego di libri raccomandato 2-5 Kg: 7,00 €
Pacco postale: 10,00 €

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