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180,00 €
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180,00 €
Views in the Tyrol from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna von Isser geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer. |
Allom Thomas
Londra, Black & Armstrong
ID titolo:90853367
"Views in the Tyrol from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna von Isser geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer." è in vendita da domenica 19 febbraio 2023 alle 10:12 in provincia di Trento
Note su "Views in the Tyrol from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna von Isser geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer.": Views in the Tyrol from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna von Isser geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer. [1836].
Legattura coeva in piena pellebordeaux, dorso liscio con titolo impresso in oro. Le 45 tavole sono incise in acciaio, 128 pp. Piatto di copertina anteriore scollato. Spedizione a carico.
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vende "Views in the Tyrol from drawings by T. Allom, after original sketches by Johanna von Isser geb. Grossrubatscher, with letterpress descriptions by a companion of Hofer." di Allom Thomas
in provincia di Trento
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