117,00 €
International News Agencies A History |
Michael B. Palmer
Palgrave Macmillan
ISBN: 9783030311803
Condizioni: NUOVO
ID titolo:90277201
"International News Agencies A History" è in vendita da venerdì 27 gennaio 2023 alle 12:41 in provincia di Catania
Note su "International News Agencies A History": International News Agencies A History di Michael B. Palmer
Editore: Springer-Verlag GmbH EAN: 9783030311803 ISBN: 3030311805 Pagine: 268 Formato: Paperback
International news-agencies, such as Reuters, the Associated Press and Agence France-Presse, have long been ¿unsung heroes¿ of the media sphere. From the mid-nineteenth century, in Britain, the US, France and, to a lesser extent, Germany, a small number of agencies have fed their respective countries with international news reports. They informed governments, businesses, media and, indirectly, the general public. They helped define ¿news¿. Drawing on years of archival research and first-hand experience of major news agencies, this book provides a comprehensive history of the leading news agencies based in the UK, France and the USA, from the early 1800s to the present day. It retraces their relations with one another, with competitors and clients, and the types of news, information and data they collected, edited and transmitted, via a variety of means, from carrier-pigeons to artificial intelligence. It examines the sometimes colourful biographies of agency newsmen, and the rise and fall of news agencies as markets and methods shifted, concluding by looking to the future of the organisations.
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