Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach |
Paul Amadeus Dienach
Achilleas Sirigos
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ID titolo:86783775
"Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach" è in vendita da lunedì 19 febbraio 2024 alle 18:48 in provincia di Italia
Note su "Chronicles From The Future: The amazing story of Paul Amadeus Dienach": In 1921, Paul Amadeus Dienach , a Swiss-Austrian teacher with fragile health, falls into a one-year-long coma. During this time, his consciousness slides into the future and enters the body of another man in 3906 A.D.
When Dienach awakens from his coma, he finds himself back in 1922. Knowing that he doesn’t have much time left, he writes a diary, recording whatever he could remember from his amazing experience: the mankind’s history in the forthcoming centuries, from the nightmare of overpopulation and World Wars up until the world-changing globalisation, the radical new administration system, the colony on Mars and the next human evolutionary stage. Without any close friends and relatives to entrust, he doesn’t say a word to anyone out of fear of being branded a lunatic.
Before he dies, he hands his diary to his favourite student, George Papachatzis , later prominent Professor of Law and Rector of Panteion University of Greece. The diary circulates as hidden knowledge amongst high ranking masons in the lodges of Athens. In 1972, professor Papachatzis, despite an intense dispute, decides to publish Dienach’s diary in Greek.
Paul Dienach was not an author, poet, or professional writer. Rather, he was an ordinary man who kept a journal, never with the expectation that it would be published.
This unique and controversial book, a universal legacy, is now carefully edited, translated and available to everyone.
This is the history of our future! We deliver it to you.
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