10,00 €
Historic Holiday Art New Year, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving with 295 Royalty-free Images |
Mary L. Martin, Tina Skinner
Schiffer Pub Limited
ISBN: 9780764321191
Condizioni: COME NUOVO
Categoria: ARTE, GRAFICA, HOBBY, CARTOLINE, raccolta di illustrazioni
ID titolo:86464566
"Historic Holiday Art New Year, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving with 295 Royalty-free Images" è in vendita da mercoledì 29 giugno 2022 alle 18:41 in provincia di Bergamo
Note su "Historic Holiday Art New Year, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving with 295 Royalty-free Images": È una raccolta di arte storica delle festività dall’era vittoriana agli anni 30 del novecento. Include anche il CD. Il libro è in inglese, ma essendo una raccolta di immagini è irrilevante.
Descrizione: Charming clip-art dates from the fancy Victorian era through the stylized Arts and Crafts movement of the early 1930s. Royalty free images are perfect for today? graphic applications and personal messages. Tap into nostalgia for favorite holidays -- New Year, Valentine’s, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving. Art work and borders are perfect as is, or easily altered to create great borders, frames, and spot art. State-of-the-art technology has been used to present these four-color, high-resolution imagesfrom early 20th Century postcards, ready for application to your professional projects or casual communications. Nearly 300 images are available in a format suitable for Mac or PC use.
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vende "Historic Holiday Art New Year, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, July 4th, Halloween, and Thanksgiving with 295 Royalty-free Images" di Mary L. Martin, Tina Skinner
in provincia di Bergamo
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