19,97 €
Millionaire habits. How Anyone Can Become a Millionaire by Developing Success Habits |
Danny Roberson
ISBN: 9791220387361
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: ECONOMIA
ID titolo:84307964
"Millionaire habits. How Anyone Can Become a Millionaire by Developing Success Habits" è in vendita da domenica 23 gennaio 2022 alle 10:21 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Millionaire habits. How Anyone Can Become a Millionaire by Developing Success Habits": While we’ve all fantasized about driving huge automobiles and spending money on pleasures we’ve always desired, chances are you’ve dismissed this as a pipe dream, even purchasing a scratch card every time you go out to buy milk. However, being a billionaire is not as tough or out of reach as you may believe. Every year, many individuals demonstrate that you don’t have to work at a bank or win the lottery to amass money in the seven figures. And for many wealthy listeners, being a billionaire is more about a way of life and not having to worry about money than it is about how much money they have in the bank. You don’t need a million pounds in the bank to live like a billionaire. Ninety-nine percent of millionaires do not. To become a billionaire, you will undoubtedly need to stay on top of your money and assets. Becoming a millionaire might imply various things, but in this book, we’re usually laying out a practical plan for increasing your wealth beyond £1,000,000. This book swiftly leads you through your whole life, going through the actions you can follow to become a billionaire. To cut to the chase, successful individuals have successful habits, while unsuccessful ones do not.
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