16,00 €
VOICE TRAINING FOR SINGERS: Simple And Detailed Guide On How Tо Train, Care For, Protect, And Keep Yоur Sіngіng Vоісе Hеаlthу |
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798776496134
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: MUSICA
ID titolo:83509695
"VOICE TRAINING FOR SINGERS: Simple And Detailed Guide On How Tо Train, Care For, Protect, And Keep Yоur Sіngіng Vоісе Hеаlthу" è in vendita da martedì 7 dicembre 2021 alle 17:52 in provincia di Catania
Note su "VOICE TRAINING FOR SINGERS: Simple And Detailed Guide On How Tо Train, Care For, Protect, And Keep Yоur Sіngіng Vоісе Hеаlthу": Learning how to improve your singing voice is not a quick fix solution; however, with personalized vocal exercises for your registration within the environmental elements of pitch, vowel, and intensity, you can start the journey to hitting those high notes perfectly. Voice building is the process of adding strength to the voice by using a variety of tasks that tax its strength capabilities. The idea is that over time the larynx will rise to the challenge and adapt to increased demands, much as might happen to the arms as a result of a weight-lifting regimen. Sometimes the voice building regimen is very simple and “do-it-yourself”; other times it is more sophisticated and requires the assistance of a speech pathologist who is singing voice qualified.
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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "VOICE TRAINING FOR SINGERS: Simple And Detailed Guide On How Tо Train, Care For, Protect, And Keep Yоur Sіngіng Vоісе Hеаlthу" di JAMES MCGREEN PH.D
in provincia di Catania
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