21,50 €
Seth Wickersham
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798775987091
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: SPORT
ID titolo:83485397
"It’s Better to Be Feared" è in vendita da mercoledì 1 dicembre 2021 alle 21:29 in provincia di Catania
Note su "It’s Better to Be Feared": Docente. Youthful: Is this the finish of the Patriots’ line: In the spring of 2005, then, at that point New York Times beat author Buster Olney composed a book named The Last Night of the Yankee Dynasty, which zeroed in essentially on the Yankees’ seven-game World Series misfortune to the upstart Arizona Diamondbacks in the fall of 2001. Considering that the Pinstripers would win the AL East the ensuing five seasons, would get back to the World Series in 2003, and appeared to be on a crash course for a re-visitation of the Fall Classic before their epic breakdown to the Red Sox in 2004, I generally thought about how Olney realized that the Yankees’ line — a six-year term in which the group won four titles and showed up in the World Series multiple times — was really over in the fall of 2001.
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