35,00 €
Perfect TOEFL® Speaking: A data-driven approach to producing perfect TOEFL Speaking responses |
John Healy
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798768504205
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: LINGUE
ID titolo:83430394
"Perfect TOEFL® Speaking: A data-driven approach to producing perfect TOEFL Speaking responses" è in vendita da giovedì 25 novembre 2021 alle 18:01 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Perfect TOEFL® Speaking: A data-driven approach to producing perfect TOEFL Speaking responses": Without data, you’re just another TOEFL Speaking teacher with an opinion.
If you are a TOEFL Speaking teacher, the most powerful tool you have at your disposal is something you are probably not using.
That tool is data.
In Perfect TOEFL® Speaking, acclaimed English language coach John Healy demonstrates how data is transforming the way teachers are approaching the TOEFL Speaking section of the TOEFL iBT.
At the heart of this transformation is a powerful speech assessment engine built specifically for TOEFL Speaking teachers called My Speaking Score.
My Speaking Score works by using proprietary technology to instantly score and convert TOEFL Speaking responses into actionable data.
Inside this highly-readable teacher’s guide, John shows how data about TOEFL Speaking responses enable teachers to instantly expose problems hidden inside TOEFL Speaking responses.
Transcript analyses, colourful graphs, and before-and-after stories make a compelling case for why teachers can no longer rely solely on qualitative assessments of TOEFL Speaking proficiency.
Perfect TOEFL® Speaking shows teachers how to go beyond the rubrics to easily interpret response data in 5 speaking constructs:
Fluency Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar Discourse Coherence
Once you learn the secrets behind automated speech assessment technology, you will gain actionable insights into how to
quickly identify and repair costly speaking problems structure and deliver high-scoring TOEFL Speaking responses every time
NOTE: Perfect TOEFL® Speaking is an advanced TOEFL Speaking teacher’s guide that works best with a My Speaking Score account. Anyone can sign up for a free trial My Speaking Score account.
* * * * *
Testimonial from Jen Pieniazek, former TOEFL Speaking Rater...
Every. Second. Counts.
That’s the main gist of the TOEFL Speaking section. With the clock ticking, mistakes cannot be made and responses should be fluid, coherent, and well-developed.
My Speaking Score makes good use of those tense seconds as it shows the exact corrections and the specific suggestions needed to meaningfully increase scores.
As a former TOEFL Speaking section official Rater, I can tell you that the data My Speaking Score provides is a game changer. John Healy’s depth of knowledge and expertise have increased students’ TOEFL scores for years. Now, he’s offering a digital product that shows, very specifically, how to get your students the longed-for passing score.
TOEFL teachers, I can tell you, as a pilot user, it’s proven its worth!
This intelligent software informs your expertise in a unique way. A way that will make your services stand out.
Jennifer Pieniazek
Former TOEFL® Speaking section Rater
Adjunct Professor of TOEFL
“Jen Dobry” TOEFL Tidbits podcast host
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