51,50 €
Scrum for Hardware: Second Edition |
Paolo Sammicheli
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9781686267697
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: ECONOMIA
ID titolo:83027035
"Scrum for Hardware: Second Edition" è in vendita da sabato 6 novembre 2021 alle 14:26 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Scrum for Hardware: Second Edition": Discover the SCRUM for HARDWARE pioneers: from Wikispeed to the first Scrum for Hardware Gathering, the Agile Product Charter, and Scrum@Scale. This SECOND EDITION is divided into three parts: the first one made of stories which easily introduce the topic, the second one include the description of the method, the underlying values and principles, the engineering practices, and the third one contains case studies of real implementation with practical examples and suggestions on how to adopt it in your company. In the Appendix, you’ll find the description of the Cynefin Framework and PopcornFlow. Foreword by Joe Justice. English Edition, color printing. Includes a coupon to download the electronic version for free with additional material and all the future updates. «This book is the first significant publication on the topic, the most complete and authoritative. If the Agile transformation of the Software industry has any parallels outside software, and if the current client adoption rate is any indication, this book will be the reference for executives, shop floor managers, and team members globally.» Joe Justice, Creator of Scrum for Hardware and eXtreme Manufacturing.
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