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Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced di Alfredo de Candia

57,00 €

Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced di Alfredo de Candia

57,00 €


Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced

Autore: Alfredo de Candia
Editore: Indipendently published
ISBN: 9781701866614
Condizioni: NUOVO
ID titolo:83020726

"Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced" è in vendita da mercoledì 3 novembre 2021 alle 17:44 in provincia di Catania

Note su "Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced":
This book is presented as a reference book for all those who use or will use the EOS blockchain, similar to what was done by the famous Mastering Bitcoin which has become over time the reference book for all those who work with the Bitcoin blockchain, moreover whereas there is currently no book on it both at European and international level, especially American, to consider also the origin and the profuse commitment of the author, in making a book suitable both for those who are not practical and are not accustomed to this world, taking it by the hand from the creation of the account to the management of the wallet, and also suitable for a developer from the bitter to the most experienced, showing all the passages related to the reference code that was inserted just to have an approach too more intimate with the same.The book covers almost all aspects of the EOS blockchain, starting right from its history and giving interesting and detailed information on how the project has evolved since its creation, giving an overview of the events that took place a few years earlier. Then move on to a first smattering fast and practical on how to create first and then use the EOS account real engine for all the various dApp from the simplest to the most complex ones, where without this information, nobody would be able to start operating under that profile, where with a clear presentation and with the relative images, step by step, show the various basic steps to perform the related procedures. Next we analyze the various aspects that distinguish this blockchain with respect to the others and how it is one of those that could cause a change important in this sector since it is constantly evolving, introducing previously unimaginable functions and goals from that point of view, also in this case looking for a first approach for inexperienced users and then for each topic to follow the example of the relevant code. In the second half of the book we move on to analyze everything at a professional level where the insiders, especially developers, or those who want to learn more, have all the tools they need in a single tool, in Italian, to be able to start operating and experimenting with this blockchain and provide them with the necessary and essential first level to eventually, eventually, progress in greater depth, given that currently the users of this blockchain exceed 70 thousand daily users. Finally the book concludes with an objective view of the various criticisms made of the relative blockchain, all more or less valid, showing how space is also left to the criticality that the same involves using them, significant criticalities but solvable in the long term and where also the author is helping to improve with his commitment and constant effort, leaving room for the reader for a personal evaluation of everything and to criticize constructively and objectively, as in this case, the creaking points of an extraordinary project.


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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "Mastering EOS Practical Guide for Beginners and Advanced"  di Alfredo de Candia
in provincia di Catania

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Contattare: Bella
Via Diana, 137, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia  (Catania)

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D.LGS 205/2006 - D.LGS 21/2014
Aggiornato al 13 giugno 2014

Articolo 3

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