55,00 €
Stories for Bedtime (6 Books in 1). Bedtime tales for kids with values that can hold their imaginations open. |
Brenda Turner
ISBN: 9791220366649
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: BAMBINI
ID titolo:82984669
"Stories for Bedtime (6 Books in 1). Bedtime tales for kids with values that can hold their imaginations open." è in vendita da lunedì 25 ottobre 2021 alle 16:21 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Stories for Bedtime (6 Books in 1). Bedtime tales for kids with values that can hold their imaginations open.": We can use stories to speak to the mind, body, and spiritual things beyond our understanding but resonate with them in a profound, direct, and indirect way. Stories are created in our language to supply tangible methods for determining things that are seemingly beyond our world, like space, the heavens, the foremost distant depths of the world, and the longest depths of souls. Through storytelling, we can shape our inner landscapes and be guided on journeys that might seem impossible were it not for the facility of our imaginations. When specifically applied to specific moments in our lives, individual stories and myths and guided narratives offer spiritual and spiritual transformation and physical transformations. Bedtime Stories contains relaxing stories to fall asleep fast, for stress relief and a good night’s sleep. These stories are designed to bring the mind and soul into an environment hypnotic and relaxing. It offers a journey to the farthest points of space and time, from the world’s acute depths to the littlest microcosm, to the farthest reaches of our known universe, to the last macroscope. Bedtime Stories will give you all the information you need to start making and serving up delicious and nutritious dishes in minutes.
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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "Stories for Bedtime (6 Books in 1). Bedtime tales for kids with values that can hold their imaginations open." di Brenda Turner
in provincia di Catania
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Contattare: Bella Via Diana, 137, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia
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Piego di libri ordinario 0-2 Kg: 2,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 0-2 Kg: 5,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 2-5 Kg: 7,00 € Pacco postale: 10,00 €