28,00 €
Crochet and Knitting for Beginners |
Mary Nabors
ISBN: 9791220355094
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: MANUALI
ID titolo:82411245
"Crochet and Knitting for Beginners" è in vendita da domenica 19 settembre 2021 alle 14:40 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Crochet and Knitting for Beginners": Do you wish to learn crochet and knitting easily and quickly? Or are you a lover of art, and you want to create amazing patterns and styles? The crochet and knitting for beginners is the best tool to guide you on how to knit and crochet in the shortest time. The bundle will guide you, take you through the journey from the no experience section to a professional end within a few days. The 2 in 1 bundle gives you a chance to learn both knitting and crochet at the same time at rocketing speed. The book will provide you with the confidence to gain the necessary knowledge, such as the overview of the stitches, techniques, and in the end, you will manage to create your knitting projects. On the other hand, crocheting is part of the bundle to top up your skills. In the same case, like knitting, it’s easy to learn the tricks, tips, and how to use them in your work. Every stitch execution is clearly explained to ensure the reader becomes more proficient in every stage they tackle. How is the book different from the others? The book comprises of 2 books in1 giving you a chance to learn crochet and knitting at the same run. All the procedures provided are stated step by step with simple terminology to learn and follow. Beginners have the chance to learn to work on complex projects. The book will make your process more artistic, relaxing, and satisfying. The bundle is not only meant for beginners but also to those who plan to explore and learn new tips, techniques, and tricks. Here is a fraction of what you will learn: Types of knitting Tools and materials used in knitting Knitting terminologies How to interpret knitting patterns, both text, and chart Knitting techniques Knitting styles Tips to avoid common errors while knitting Learn different types of crochet Have basic knowledge of crochet jargon and interpret patterns. Have a good knowledge of crochet instructions so you can know how to go about crochet patterns. Know how to go about basic crochet stitches Know how to handle left-handed and right-handed crochet Get familiar with common errors in crochet and how to avoid and also correct them. It is time to move from no experience of the crotchet hook and knitting techniques to a professional in a few days. To the professionals searching for the right book to recommend their students on Knitting and crochet books, the book is the right tool for your students. To earn the pleasure of knitting and crochet skills, scroll up and download the book. Make the step to learn and practice. Nothing is hard if you follow the instructions. This book is for you, get your copy
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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "Crochet and Knitting for Beginners" di Mary Nabors
in provincia di Catania
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Informazioni sul venditore:
Contattare: Bella Via Diana, 137, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia
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Piego di libri ordinario 0-2 Kg: 2,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 0-2 Kg: 5,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 2-5 Kg: 7,00 € Pacco postale: 10,00 €