2 Vol. Eye on the Universe: The Moon - The life of an Astronaut |
Niki Walker, Bobbie Kalman
Anno:1998 - 2001
Collana: Eye on the Universe
Condizioni: NUOVO
ID titolo:37672253
"2 Vol. Eye on the Universe: The Moon - The life of an Astronaut" è in vendita da martedì 12 aprile 2016 alle 13:15 in provincia di Catania
Note su "2 Vol. Eye on the Universe: The Moon - The life of an Astronaut": 2 Vol. Eye on the Universe: The Moon - The life of an Astronaut by Niki Walker
Editor-in-chief: Bobbie Kalman
Publisher: Crabtree Publishing Company
The Moon Language: English | Pages: 32| Format: Paperbacks |ISBN: 9780865056893 Date of publication: 1998 | Place: New York (USA), Ontario (Canada), Oxford (United Kingdom)
Te Life on an Astronaut Language: English | Pages: 32| Format: Paperbacks | ISBN: 9780865056930 Date of publication: 2001 | Place: New York (USA), Ontario (Canada), Oxford (United Kingdom)
Description of the books The life of an Astronaut, Contents: what are astronauts?; Astronaut history; The crew; Practice...;Training for weightlessness; Leaving Earth behind; Astronauts at work; Space walking;risky business;ecc ecc.
The Moon, Contents: Meet the moon; How the moon was born; the lunar landscape; Craters and maria;The Moon’s movements; Lunar eclipses; Blocking out the Sun; High tide, Low tide; ecc. ecc.
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