4,50 €
Elizabeth Lowell
Avon Books
ID titolo:28082802
"TUA PER SEMPRE - ONLY YOU" è in vendita da domenica 27 luglio 2014 alle 10:49 in provincia di Vicenza
Note su "TUA PER SEMPRE - ONLY YOU": **VEDI LO SCONTO** Libro in brossura in buone condiz, attenzione! in lingua INGLESE:
HER ONLY CHANCE: Hardened by poverty and loss, tawny-haired Evelyn Starr Johnson seizes the opportunity to win back the treasure map stolen from her murdered foster parents. With nothing left to wager but her innocence, the wily young cardsharp stares coolly across the poker table at her guardians’ killer, stacks in the deck...and deals the winning hand to a handsome, unsuspecting stranger.
HIS ONLY CHOICE: Sharpshooter Matt Reno Moran is incensed when Evelyn, the conniving beauty he won in a card game, runs off with the rest of his winnings - including a map to a gold mine. Determined to reclaim everything that is rightfully his, Reno must find aher and join forces with the thieving female - setting out on a long, dangerous search for treasure with a treacherous temptress he desires with all his soul...but is certain he could never truly love.
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vende "TUA PER SEMPRE - ONLY YOU" di Elizabeth Lowell
in provincia di Vicenza
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