14,50 €
Ronald Heiferman
Chancellor Press
ISBN: 9780753700358
ID titolo:103445779
"World War II" è in vendita da lunedì 18 novembre 2024 alle 16:35 in provincia di Biella
Note su "World War II": Pagine 256 - fotografie in bianco e nero (tranne qualcuna a colori). In INGLESE. Copertina rigida con sovraccoperta. Libro in ottime condizioni. Consegna a mano a Biella e dintorni oppure spediz. con raccomandata tracciabile ad eur 5,50 (ordinaria NON tracciabile ad eur 2,00).
World War II was the first world war which was fought in equal intensity in Europe, Africa and Asia simultaneously. World War II developed out of three quite separate conflicts: the German-Polish War of 1939, the Russo-Finnish War of 1939- 40, and the Sino-Japanese War of 1937- 45. The entry of the United States into this struggle after the cataclysm of Pearl Harbour gave World War II its truly global character. Tens of millions of soldiers and civilians alike died in an attempt to destroy the Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan. Ronald Heiferman describes the epic struggle of World War II which was, in fact, the second round in a European Civil War which began in 1914.
Ronald Heiferman analyses the causes and course of World War II, including the world between wars and the start of World War II, the global battles for supremacy and the final defeat of Germany. These areas are covered in topics such as:
- The Battle of Britain - Invasion of Russia - America Moves Towards War - The Road to Pearl Harbour - Crisis in Southeast Asia - The Desert War - The Allies Return to Europe
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