13,50 €
Monticelli’s Super-Math 25-nov-21: New math methods and formulas: super-factorials, super-limits, super-e |
Aldo Monticelli
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798773938163
Condizioni: NUOVO
ID titolo:83436060
"Monticelli’s Super-Math 25-nov-21: New math methods and formulas: super-factorials, super-limits, super-e" è in vendita da venerdì 26 novembre 2021 alle 16:32 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Monticelli’s Super-Math 25-nov-21: New math methods and formulas: super-factorials, super-limits, super-e": We call Super-Math a set of mathematical calculation methods that can be performed without technological means, only with paper and pencil or simple means, as was the practice in antiquity, but with the current possibility of unlimited approximation also on scientific calculations as trigonometric quantities. The name: Monticelli’s Superfactorials indicates the calculation method invented by the philosopher Aldo Monticelli fit to overcome the limitations of the classic definition of Factorial in order to extend the operation of this neglected branch of mathematics to any sequence of numbers, including non integer and negatives to allow scientific calculations with unlimited approximation without necessity of technological devices. We call: Super-Limits limits special formulas that neglet infinite reaching very high approximation by low numbers <10. We call Super-e the result of personalized e-generating super-limit formulas that make possible very high approximation in many bare hand calculations This new branch of mathematic has been also called Post Sapiens Math because we can imagine a future civility without technology living in a natural way. A new notation was needed to replace that of the classic factorial by the exclamation point only, adding the indication of the average value of the factorial string, no longer bound to the initial unit. Trigonometric applications showed.
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