35,00 €
Blender 2.9 for Architecture Modeling and Rendering with Eevee and Cycles |
Allan Brito
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798692682017
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: DESIGN
ID titolo:83421927
"Blender 2.9 for Architecture Modeling and Rendering with Eevee and Cycles" è in vendita da mercoledì 24 novembre 2021 alle 22:15 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Blender 2.9 for Architecture Modeling and Rendering with Eevee and Cycles": With Blender 2.9, you have a powerful and flexible environment to help you develop architectural designs. You can use it to make 3D models better visualize ideas or create marketing images with beautiful images for interiors and exteriors.Regardless of what you need for a project, it is most likely that Blender can help you achieve your goals.If you want to start using Blender 2.9 for architecture, you will find all the necessary information to start from scratch or migrate to the latest version in this book.What is essential for an architectural visualization artist using Blender? Among the most important subjects, you will find precision modeling, importing CAD data, and preparing a scene for rendering.Blender 2.9 for architecture explains how to use all those topics and much more. You don’t need any previous experience with Blender to start using Eevee and create 3D models from your designs.Here is what you will learn with Blender 2.9 for architecture:- Blender 2.9 basics for architecture- Using the new interface and controls for version 2.9- Work with precision modeling for architecture (Metric/Imperial)- Use numeric controls for modeling- Importing reference drawings for modeling- Processing CAD data for Blender- Import SketchUp and BIM files- Manage external libraries of furniture models and assets- Add materials to objects- Use PBR materials for enhanced realism- Craft materials with the Shader Editor- Create architectural glass using the Shader Editor- Rendering scenes using Eevee in real-time- Adding Eevee specific elements to a scene like Irradiance Volumes and Cubemaps- Use environment maps in the background- Enable GPU acceleration for rendering- Use artificial intelligence denoising for renders- Render a scene using Cycles for maximum realismBy the end of the book, you will have a substantial understatement of how to use Blender 2.9 for architecture.
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