36,50 €
Crack Climbs Mont Blanc The Guide to the Best Mont Blanc Crack Routes |
Giovanni BASSANINI, Lamberto CAMURRI
Indipendently published
ISBN: 9798694732260
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: GUIDE
ID titolo:83409047
"Crack Climbs Mont Blanc The Guide to the Best Mont Blanc Crack Routes" è in vendita da lunedì 22 novembre 2021 alle 21:38 in provincia di Catania
Note su "Crack Climbs Mont Blanc The Guide to the Best Mont Blanc Crack Routes": The Mont Blanc is a various and multiform mountain. It is the symbol of its own history, of ice, of mixed, of rock and especially of all those people who left a mark on it. Writing about Mont Blanc has always been difficult as the editors of Vallot guide and the great Gino Buscaini, who collected the entirety of routes traced on the mountain, surely knew. Then other writers followed their predilections, tales, photos and selected routes, of ice, mixed or rock. Each one of these works could not disregard the Vallot or Buscaini’s guidebooks, and also whoever uses selected routes guides must approach the mountain throughout these fundamental pieces.This piece is a further evolution of “MONT BLANC SUPERCRACK”, published in 2012, but it has the same arduous goal of extracting the “best cracks” from the rock routes: aesthetics, technique, accessibility are the key words to read these cracks in a climbing perspective. We refrained from searching cracks’ lines in specifically glacial environments or with objective risks. In this perspective, and despite the height and severe environment, a proper weather forecast may allow a pleasant climb of the Mont Blanc’s granite crack routes.
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vende "Crack Climbs Mont Blanc The Guide to the Best Mont Blanc Crack Routes" di Giovanni BASSANINI, Lamberto CAMURRI
in provincia di Catania
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