25,00 €
Pamela Vance
ISBN: 9791220371537
Condizioni: NUOVO
Categoria: EROTISMO
ID titolo:83368997
"The Magical Labyrinth" è in vendita da sabato 13 novembre 2021 alle 00:00 in provincia di Catania
Note su "The Magical Labyrinth": THE MAGICAL LABYRINTH Rebecca and Robert are two young teenagers who were just fresh in college; Robert majored in applied mathematics. The two are devoted Christians who do not take their worship with levity hands. Rebecca was beginning to love Robert. It was all amazing until they went for a date night, and Rebecca woke up naked. She felt she had been date-raped, and she crucified Robert for it. When he woke up, she realized Robert was not also feeling too good. She helped him up. They hugged each other tightly, and it was there they realized how much in love with each other they were. That was the genesis of their love story and sexual intimacies. The sex was fun, and they both looked forward to having more of it. Robert would stare at Rebecca’s nakedness and admire the woman he has in his life. The sex was intense, and the two young teenagers, who were both shy, no longer had to. They had gotten over it and now had proceeded to have much more fun without being shy.
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MICHELE (libreria)
vende "The Magical Labyrinth" di Pamela Vance
in provincia di Catania
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Ha utilizzato Comprovendolibri 3 giorni fa.
Informazioni sul venditore:
Contattare: Bella Via Diana, 137, Fiumefreddo di Sicilia
Condizioni di vendita
Pagamenti accettati: Paypal Ricarica PostePay Vaglia Postale Bonifico Bancario
Tariffe Spedizione Piego di libro prioritario 2,00 € (fino a 3 libri) Piego di libro raccomandato 5,00 € (fino a 3 libri)
Spese di spedizione:
Piego di libri ordinario 0-2 Kg: 2,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 0-2 Kg: 5,00 € Piego di libri raccomandato 2-5 Kg: 7,00 € Pacco postale: 10,00 €